+2348121880805, 08095618626
30th September, 2024.
“Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you will be asked about his flock”- (Prophet Muhammad, PBH, Hadith Bukhari) . It is with high sense of duty that, we commence our Annual Week activities to call the leaders and the led to order on personal sense of responsibility to our dear Country, Nigeria and appreciate Allah for keeping the Nation alive at 64 despite numerous challenges faced across board.
The 2024 Annual Week programme which starts today 30th September, 2024 is our little way of expressing loyalty and faith to our fatherland as we commemorate our independence. The Theme of the week is Building a Great Nation: Collective Responsibility of the Leaders and the Led. The theme aims at reminding patriots of our collective obligations to our country. Therefore, Nigerians of all strata should know that, we have duties to the country, now than ever.
The journey of our country thus far has been marked with ups and downs, high expectations and achievements with great promising stature which saw countries around the globe take immeasurable interest in our fatherland especially at the early days after independence. Incredibly, hopes and expectations have been dashed and today things appear to have fallen apart and miserable index seem to be at all time high. Today, Nigeria has the highest out of school children in the world and the country also lead at infant mortality rate and Naira is one of the seven worst valuable currencies in the world. Economic and physical insecurity seems to be the beginning of wisdom in the country with inflationary rate being supersonic. Fraud of various kinds now permeate our national life with both public and private sectors being actively involved. Immorality roar and educational, family and religious institutions exemplifying their fair share of the failure.
The glooming picture notwithstanding, we must not join those who have lost faith in the country. Allah has said we should not lose faith of his mercy (Q 39 v 53). While expressing faith, we must be reminded that, Allah says He won’t change the condition of a people unless they change themselves (Q 13 v 11). This further justify the call for both the leaders and the led to take responsibility for the greatness of our country.
Nigeria can return to greatness if we all resolve to maintain peace, exhibit deep sense of honesty, discipline, dedication, justice in handling mineral and other resources of the land, embrace competence and shun bigotry, properly train children while also actively involving in practical politics.
Our 2024 annual week starts with this press release followed by visitations and presentations to government departments within the week with special Jumat Service scheduled for various central mosques on Friday while Traffic Control holds around Ikeja on Saturday with the ground finale being Special State Lecture at the DLI Nurudeen Alao Auditorium of the University of Lagos on Sunday, 6th October, 2024, where food palliative will be distributed to the first 200 indigents to arrive at the venue.
We also need to use this medium to call on the State and Local Governments to wake up to their responsibilities. As servant of the people, you have sworn to uphold the TRUST placed in you. The citizens’ expectations are not difficult to accomplish if priority is given to effective governance over bureaucracy, responsive leadership over apathy and general interest over personal interest. These shall be addressed in details by erudite scholars at the grand finale of our Annual Week on Sunday, 6th October, 2024. We urge all good people of Lagos State to join us as we discuss way forward and offer special prayer for the progress of our dear Nation.
We pray for peace and progress of Nigeria and the world at large expecially the oppressed people of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and the rest of the world.
As we mark the 64th anniversary of our dear Nation, We specifically want to encourage Nigerians (leaders and the led) to show more commitment to the progress of this Nation and pray for the peace, growth, stability and development of Nigeria.
رَبِّ اجۡعَلۡ هٰذَا بَلَدًا اٰمِنًا
Long Live The Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Long Live Lagos State!
Long Live TMC!
Wa Salam Alaykum Warahmotullahi Wabarakaatuh
Waali, The Muslim Congress, Lagos State.