The Muslim Congress, Lagos State

State’s Statutory Programmes and Activities:

1.] State Adkhaar: This is a prayer session where faithfuls supplicate to our creator and it is open to all believers. The programme is held by 10:00am at first Sunday of every month at Dawah Centre, 1, TMC Road, Ijesha, Lagos.

2.] Khuruj Fisabilillah: This is a well planned focused sojourn to identified area where brethren take the message of Islam to inhabitants of the environment. It is mostly a three day intensive propagation of the message of felicity. The goal of the programme is to ensure that, more persons receive Islam in its prestine form.

3.] Public Lecture: Topical issues as it affects human race are discussed within the prism of Islam at public glare once in a quarter. This forum provides us opportunity to add our voice to happenings around the globe.

4.] Annual State Lecture [ASL]: This programme which is an open expository of ideas on a particular topic is done once in a year and it is open to everyone. The programme is held in commemoration of the independence of our dear country, Nigeria. It is mostly held on 1st or 2nd October of every year.

 5.] Annual State Congress [ASC]: This is a forum where State administrators give account of their stewardship to all members of The Congress in the State or their appointed representatives. All accounts including finances, day to day administration, successes and failures are presented and reviewed. At the Congress there is freedom of expression, tolerance and respect for the dignity of all.

Beyond our Statutary Programmes, we also have the following innovative activities

6.] Ramadan: The State do numerous programmes during the holy month of Ramadan. The programmes include daily TV Telecast, Taafsir ul Qur’an/ Iftaar Saim, Welfare visitation to ophanage/hospital/ school of the blinds, round table with Ulamaa/ scholars/congregational leaders of mosques among others.

The goals of Ramadan programmes is to enable the ummah to derive maximum benefits from the holy month. 

7.] Weekly Ona-Ola Programme: This is a Radio programme that aim at reaching audience with the blessings and message of Islam. The paid programme is held between 10:10pm and 10:40pm every Friday on Radio Lagos 107.5fm.

8.] HACOPS Quarterly Dialogue: The Muslim Congress Lagos State has a body of Honourary Advisory Council of Patrons (HACOPS) headed by a Chairman. The body is made up of Muslims of high social ranking and we have exceptionally good relationship with them. We hold online dialogue on topical issues with them with the understanding that we are taking the words of His Majesty– Allah to the elites at the comfort of their respective locations.

9.] FUSHAA (Online) Arabic Academy: This academy is owned and operated by The Congress and it aims at spreading the knowledge of Islam and Arabic language being the language of the Qur’an to Muslims irrespective of their location and schedule. The academy operates four classes which are preparatory Tahdiri, primary Ibtidaa’ii, junior Awwal Mutawassit,

 and senior secondary Awwal Thaanawiy. Admission is open at all time for interested persons.

10.] Social Media Engagements: The Muslim Congress Lagos State uses various social media handles for the propagation of Islam. Lectures and messages are passed across to Muslims and other lovers of truth using our platforms such as
Facebook – @tmc Lagos | Twitter – @LagosTMC | Instagram – @tmclagosstate

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