All praises are due to Allah alone, who made the month of Ramadan a month of forgiveness, guidance, mercy, and glad tidings for the believers. We praise Him, Glory be to Him, the Most High, and we thank Him and believe in Him, and trust in Him. Blessings and peace be upon the best of those who prayed and fasted, our Prophet Muhammad, who said in his honorable hadith: “Whoever fasts during Ramadan and knows its limits, and adheres to what he should observe during it, his earlier sins will be cleansed.” (Az-zuhd and Ruqa’iq by Ibn Al-Mubarak) and upon his family and companions and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.

As to what follow,

Dear servants of Allah, I advise you and myself to fear Allah Almighty, secretly and publicly, as this is the intended goal of all obedience and all commands and prohibitions. Allah says: (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلاَ تَمُوتُنَّ إِلاَّ وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ) “O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared, and do not die except while you have submitted.” (Surah Al Imran: 102).

Brothers in faith, this is the second meeting of the blessed month of Ramadan, which is the month of forgiveness, mercy, goodness and blessings, and the topic for our sermon today is on the lessons on the rulings of fasting and duties in ramadan.

Servants of Allah, we are in the midst of the second part of the blessed month of Ramadan, days are moving fast and quickly, and we are would now mention some of the rulings of Ramadan fasting and its duties in order to benefit fully, because Ramadan is a great month filled with many deeds and rulings related to them. We proceed as follows:

The ruling on the intention of fasting and what is related to it:

Fasting is composed of two pillars: intention, and abstaining from things that break the fast. If he refrains from eating without the intention to fast, then he has no fast, and if he intends to break his fast, then the fast become void even if he does not eat, because the first pillar- the intention, which is the foundation of deeds and the greatest component of worship, has fallen. In order to obtain the reward, a Muslim must fast Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, without hypocrisy, reputation, imitation of people, or following the people of his tribe. He fasts because Allah has commanded him, and seeks reward from Him, and so do all other acts of worship. It is necessary to come up with the intention of fasting from the night before the dawn for Ramadan fasting and others. It is valid to fast a voluntary fast with the intention during the day if he does not get involved in what could break the fast after the fajr (day break).

It is valid to fast an obligatory fast with intention during the day if the knowledge of the commencement of the month is not known at night, just like the case when clear proof is established of sighting during the day, then he should refrain from food for the rest of his day, and he is not required to make up for it even if he has eaten.

– It is obligatory for these people to fast during the day, such as an insane person that regains consciousness, a child that reaches puberty, and a disbeliever that becomes Muslim. For these people, it is sufficient for them to make the intention during the day when it became obligatory on them, even after they have taken food or drink, and they do not have to make up for it.

– Whoever intends to fast, then eats suhoor, and falls asleep and does not wake up until after sunset, then his fast is valid and he does not have to make up for it.

– Whoever sleeps on the night of the thirtieth of Shaban and says: If tomorrow is Ramadan, then I will be fasting, and it turns out that it is Ramadan, then his fast is valid.

Ruling on fasting of an insane person: An insane person is not one of those who are accountable, so worship is not obligatory for him. If a Muslim is insane all day in Ramadan from before dawn or after dawn until sunset, then his fast is not valid, and he does not have to make up for it. Because he is not worthy for worship.

Ruling on fasting for a person who has passed out: Whoever intends to fast, then fasts and faints for all or part of the day, then his fast is valid, inshaa Allah, and the situation is used to judge the case of sedation and loss of consciousness due to medication or something else, if he regains consciousness during any part of the day.

If a person loses consciousness due to fainting, illness, or insanity, and then regains consciousness, he does not have to make up for fasting and prayer, because of such are absolved from religious responsibilities.

Whoever loses his senses due to his actions and choices by getting drunk and the like, and then regains consciousness, must repent and seek forgiveness, and must make up for what he missed of fasting and prayer.

The ruling on a sleeping person’s fast: If a Muslim eats sahur and then falls asleep and does not wake up until after sunset: If he is excused (by the shariah standard), then his fast is valid, and he does not have to make up for it, but if he is not excused, then his fast is valid, but he is sinning for sleeping and missing the obligatory prayer and disrupting the time for obedience and work, and engaging in excessive sleep. He must repent, seek forgiveness, and make up the prayers he missed.

Ruling on the fast of a child: Worship is only obligatory for a sane adult, but the guardian of the child should order him to fast and encourage him to do so. To get used to it from a young age as long as he is able to do it, Narrated Ar-Rubi’ bint Mu’awadh: “The Prophet (ﷺ) sent a messenger to the village of the Ansar in the morning of the day of ‘Ashura’ (10th of Muharram) to announce: ‘Whoever has eaten something should not eat but complete the fast, and whoever is observing the fast should complete it.’ “She further said, “Since then we used to fast on that day regularly and also make our boys fast. We used to make toys of wool for the boys and if anyone of them cried for, he was given those toys till it was the time of the breaking of the fast.” (Agreed upon)


 The ruling on fasting Ramadan with one intention: Fasting Ramadan is one independent act of worship composed of parts, which are the days, just as prayer is an independent form of worship composed of pillars. These are: standing, kneeling, prostrating, and others. It is permissible to fast Ramadan with one intention at the beginning of the month, as well as any successive fast, such as fasting atonement for intercourse during the day in Ramadan, atonement for zihar, killing by mistake, and the like, unless it is interrupted by travel or illness, or the woman undergoes menstruation or postpartum, in which case it is necessary to resume the intention.

The intention of fasting must be set whether it is obligatory or voluntary, so he intends what he is fasting for, whether performing Ramadan, making up for it, a vow, expiation, or voluntary fasting. On the authority of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, say: (Actions are but by intentions, and every person has but what he intended…) [agreed].

The ruling on someone who fasts in a country and then travels: If a Muslim fasts in a country and then travels to another country, his ruling on fasting and breaking the fast is the same as the country to which he moved, so he breaks his fast with them if they break the fast. If he fasted with them for less than twenty-nine days, he should make up for the day after the Eid, and if he fasted with them for more than thirty days, he should only break his fast with them.

The ruling on one who fasts or breaks the fast by mistake: If the muadhin gives the call to prayer before the time, and then some Muslims break the fast with his call to prayer, they must make up that day. Likewise, if the muadhin was late and did not give the call to prayer until a long time after dawn had broken, and they held back by his call to prayer, they must make up that day. Because Allah Almighty has set limits, and made for every act of worship a beginning and an end, and He has obligated the Muslim to fast a whole day from dawn to sunset, and the right of Allah must be guaranteed, and this error removes him from sin, but it does not take away the right, for the right is established, and the religion of Allah is more deserving of being fulfilled. Every Muslim should pay attention to the time of dawn and take at least some ten minutes between it and the time of his stopping food.

If Muslims fast and clouds or rain prevent the sun, and they break their fast, and then the sun rises, they fast until sunset, and their fast is valid, and they do not have to make up for it. On the authority of Asma’ bint Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with them both, she said: (We broke our fast during the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, on a cloudy day, then the sun rose). [Narrated by Al-Bukhari].

The ruling on fasting while traveling: Every Muslim has a ruling regarding prayer and fasting for the place he is in. The fasting person abstains from fasting and breaks his fast in the place he stays in, whether he is on the surface of the earth, or on a ship at sea, or on a plane in the air.

The traveler during Ramadan has three cases: If fasting and breaking the fast are the same for him, then fasting is preferable. If it is difficult for him to fast while traveling, then breaking the fast is better. If fasting while traveling is extremely difficult for him, then breaking the fast is obligatory for him, and he must make up for it later. On the authority of Anas bn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: ((We were traveling with the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the fasting person did not criticize the one who broke the fast, nor did the one who broke the fast criticize the fasting person)). [agreed].

Ruling on fasting for the elderly and the incapacitated: The person who is unable to fast cannot be without two things: that his incapacity is not continuous, in which case he breaks his fast and makes up for it. Or if the illness is continuous and his incapacity is ongoing, such as a sick person with no hope of recovery, or an elderly person who is unable to fast, then this breaks the fast and feeds one poor person for each day. Whoever breaks the fast due to old age or illness from which there is no hope of recovery, whether he is a resident or a traveler, feed one poor person for each day, and that is sufficient for him to fast. If someone suffers from dementia and confusion, there is no fasting or expiation for him, because the pen is raised from him. Allah Almighty said: “And those who are able to do it must pay a ransom by feeding a poor person. But whoever volunteers good, it is better for him, and that you fast is better for you, if you only knew.” [Al-Baqarah] : 184].

The ruling on fasting for someone who uses pills to delay menstruation: It is better for a woman to surrender to her nature, just as she surrendered to her virtuous fluids before, and if she uses something that relieves her menstruation to enjoy fasting, there is nothing wrong with it, provided that it does not cause harm to her.

Ruling on fasting if one does not know the time: Whoever does not know the time of fasting, such as a blind person or a prisoner, for example, has three cases:

If his fast coincides with the month or after it, his fast is valid, except for the days on which his fast is not valid. If he fasts before the month, it is not valid. Because he performed worship before its time, and if his fast coincided with the night rather than the day, it is not valid. Because night is not a time for fasting, he should work hard as much as possible.

How to feed someone who is unable to fast: If a Muslim is unable to fast due to old age or illness from which there is no hope of recovery, he feeds one poor person for each day, and there are two ways of feeding:

The first: He prepares food according to the food of the average people in his country, and feeds thirty poor people for the entire month of Ramadan.

  The second: He gives the poor six portions of rice or wheat or something similar from the food of his country, and divides it among thirty, along with meat that suffices it or something else, according to the custom of his country, and deducts it for the entire month of Ramadan.

Feeding time: Whoever breaks the fast due to old age or illness for which there is no hope of recovery, has the option: if he wishes, he may feed for each day of Ramadan on its own day, and if he wishes, he may provide feeding for the entire month on the first day of Ramadan, and if he wishes, he may delay it all of it until the last day.

Servants of God, your Palestinian brothers are in dire need of breakfast and food while they are in a state of war with the brutal occupation government. Send them aid from what you have, for you will undoubtedly be rewarded. (Aqsah Concepts 0005125108 JAIZ Bank)

On the authority of Salman Al-Farsi, may God be pleased with him: Whoever breaks the fast for a fasting person will have his sins forgiven and his neck freed from Hell, and he will have a reward similar to his reward without his reward being diminished in the slightest. We said: O Messenger of God, do we not all find something with which to break the fasting person? The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: God will give this reward to whoever gives breakfast to a fasting person with a taste of milk, or a date, or a drink of water, and whoever satisfies a fasting person, God will give him a drink from two basins, so he will not be thirsty until he enters Paradise. Narrated by Al-Bayhaqi and Ibn Khuzaymah in their Sahih. And Abu Al-Sheikh and Ibn Hibban in Al-Thawab, briefly, on their authority.


Praise be to Allah, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness, and we seek refuge in God from the evils of ourselves and from the evils of our deeds. Whoever God guides, none can mislead him, and whoever He leads astray, none can guide him. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. As for what follows:

One of the duties of Ramadan is the recitation of the Noble Qur’an. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Read the Qur’an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection as an intercessor for its companions” (Sahih Muslim). Part of it also include feeding people. He, peace be upon him, said: “On the authority of Abdullah bn Amman Narrated, may Allah be pleased with them both, that a man asked The Prophet, peqace be upon him, “Which Islam is best? He said: “That you give food and greet those you know and those you do not know.” (Al-Bukhari)

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: “The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the most generous of people, and he was the most generous in Ramadan.” When Gabriel met him, and he used to meet him every night of Ramadan and study the Qur’an with him, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was more generous with goodness than the bitter wind. »

Including suhoor, according to his saying, peace and blessings be upon him: (Eat suhoor, for there is a blessing in suhoor) Agreed upon. And his saying: peace be upon him (people will remain well as long as they hasten to break the fast) is agreed upon, and Ahmad added with an authentic chain of transmission: (and delay suhoor). This is why Amr ibn Maimun says: (The Companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, were the quickest people to break the fast and the slowest to break the suhoor) Al-Bayhaqi included it with a chain of transmission. correct.

Finally, do not forget your brothers in Palestine in your prayers, while they are under the bullets and bombings of the Zionist enemy and they are fasting Ramadan under the Zionist siege and starvation, and do not forget them in your charity and donations, especially in this blessed month, and may God ask for victory for them, because Ramadan is the month of victory for Muslims.

Supplication: “Oh God, grant victory to our brothers in Palestine and support the oppressed everywhere.” “Oh God, free the Muslim prisoners in Palestine and direct their steps. Oh God, liberate Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque from the plots of the aggressors, and be of help to our brothers in Palestine. Oh God, grant them victory, grant them strength and patience, strengthen their hearts, and bestow upon them Your mercy. Oh God, heal their wounded, heal their patients, and accept their dead. Oh God, return to them their captive youth, O Lord, O God, O God, liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque from the desecration of the usurping, aggressing Zionists. Oh God, grant the people of Palestine steadfastness, victory and empowerment, and bless their faith and patience. Oh God, protect the people of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque from the plots of the oppressors, and support them with your victory and strength. Oh God, I entrust you to Jerusalem, the people of Jerusalem, and all of Palestine. Oh God, be their help and supporter, O Lord of the worlds. Oh God, do not disappoint us, and You are the Most Merciful of the Merciful.

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